Friday, May 21, 2010

the paranoia sets in

rah is acting just a slight bit off. did a few things odd for him... and im getting worried. nothing says CARDIO...

but this am when i went into the basement to do laundry, he didnt follow me down. now, he usually comes - did he not come because its the morning and hes SUPER LAZY In the morning? is it because he's feeling out of sorts because he has no playmate since berlin is on crate rest and he has no one to wrestle with?

last night at training it took me telling him like 12 times to get a drink of water before he would, and he was all freaked by his crate??? and it looked like he wouldnt put his head down - but later on he went right over to drink his water no problem. he trained just like normal, no issues. no signs of pain. no lethargy. wanted his cookies no problem.

and im convinced that his breath is different. this absolutely could be because for the past month he's eaten NOTHING but kibble for the first time in his life - he's got gas, he poops more, and his teeth are dirty, so its not inconceivable that his breath would smell right? its everything i can do to not stop at the clinic before i leave today to run bw on him before i go to the conference to make sure hes not in liver or kidney failure though.

see, this is the part i hate. the staring at your dog like something could go wrong at any moment. waiting for the other fucking shoe to drop.

1 comment:

  1. ES cells won't cause liver or kidney failure, and YES eating kibble does definitely cause bad breath
