the talk of the town is Dr. Meurs, who has announced (And presented at nationals) that she has discovered one of the genes that cause DCM - her test is commercially available and we can now begin the long process of weeding out one of the known genes of DCM.
It's sent the dobe world into a tailspin (as all things do- this community is nothing if not a little reactive, maybe like our dogs, HA!) - do it, don't do it - tell, don't tell - who to breed, what to breed, breed at all -
it brings up good questions, hard questions, easy questions, and just more and more questions.
I'm hopeful with the test - the presentation (which can be seen here:
was really rational and level headed - she did not advocate eliminating any dog that has the gene, but instead using breeding practices to gradually, over the next few generations, eliminate the gene by breeding practices.
she also heavily cautions that this is almost definitely not the only gene, and there is unknown influences that cause the incomplete penetrance.
of course the next thrill was dr. estrada presenting the stem cell info (also at the archived video site) - did a very nice job of explaining what rah went through!!!!!
so much hope in the midst of so much stress.